Send us an Email and include any comments or suggestions you have for improving this site. Please let us know how you found this site.
If your Net Browser is set to send email you can click below and your computer will automatically load your email program and address the email to this site and you can send us an email. Try it!
If you tried to send an email and were not successful. Then you can copy our email address and paste it in your own email program. If you are in a public library then you need to get your own email address before you can send an email.
If you are ready for your own email address then, then you can set up an email account for yourself for free. With your own account, you can send and receive email from this account and you will be the only one to see the email.
If you want to send us an email to us write down our email address
then go to the link below to set up your account. If you are in a public library be sure to "log out" of your email account when you finish to insure that no one else can view your mail. The "log out completely" option will be listed on the menu at the email site. It is designed for library email users so be sure to use it.
There are a number of free email accounts, but we like Yahoo Email the best.
First write down this address:
When ever you want to get your email go back to this address. It can be used from any computer connected to the internet.
To set up an account go to this address and follow directions for a new user: